Improve The Appearance Of Your Teeth With New York Lumineers


Lumineers are a type of porcelain tooth veneer. They are designed and produced to fit perfectly on the surface of teeth that are stained, cracked, or chipped. Each tooth gets unique New York Lumineers bonded directly to the tooth surface.

How are Lumineers Placed?

Conventional dental veneers are approximately 0.5mm thick; the thickness of Lumineers, on the other hand, compares favorably to a contact lens, which is extremely thin. Lumineers are so thin that they can be bonded directly to the surface of teeth without any initial preparation. When traditional veneers are fitted, the dentist must first prepare the tooth by removing an equal thickness of enamel.

Lumineers vs. Veneers

Many patients are opting for Lumineers over traditional porcelain veneers, and the reasons for doing so are quite simple. Conventional veneers are considerably thicker. To ensure that the tooth will not look overly large, some of the natural tooth enamel must be removed. The initial tooth preparation is permanent. Once the enamel has been removed, it will require a dental restoration to protect it. Removing tooth enamel weakens the tooth as well.

When you decide to go with Lumineers, the fitting of the porcelain tooth cover is far less invasive. Lumineers allow the tooth enamel to remain intact, and the procedure can be done quicker. Lumineers can be placed in two dental visits. During the first visit, your dentist takes an impression of your upper and lower teeth. It is the impression that is used in the lab to produce the Lumineers. During the second visit, your dentist will etch the exposed surface of your teeth, and bond the Lumineers to this surface.

Benefits of Lumineers

Conventional tooth veneers require a more invasive and aggressive approach, which results in a definitive change to the structure of your teeth. This is not the case with New York Lumineers. No enamel is removed. The process is painless; chipped, cracked, stained and slightly misaligned teeth are fixed, resulting in a beautiful, natural smile.